
Monday, February 4, 2013

Sweetheart Sugar Cookies

Just in time for Valentine's Day. These sugar cookies are simple and delicious making them simply delicious. Haha! Yeah, I'm a dork like that.

Sugar cookies are my favorite cookie. The only catch is they must be soft and chewy. I am not a fan of hard, crunchy cookies. I've been making these sugar cookies for quite a few years. I usually make a bunch and freeze them. They are a nice treat to pull out when you have unexpected company or when you need to quiet a sweet tooth monster within yourself.

In preparation of the upcoming Day of Love, I made pink heart-shaped cookies. That's another fun thing about these cookies... you can add food coloring and cut them into any shape you'd like. Fun, fun, fun.

Sweetheart Sugar Cookies

2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 cup butter
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla

red food coloring
heart-shaped cookie cutter
white sugar crystals

Preheat oven to 375 and line cookie sheet with parchment paper or silicone baking mat.

Combine flour, soda and powder. In a separate bowl, cream together sugar, vanilla and softened butter. Add egg to sugar mixture and mix well. Add flour mixture to sugar mixture in small amounts (add a little, mix, add a little, mix, etc.). Once everything is mixed together add a few drops of food coloring.

Roll out the dough and put that cookie cutter to work.  Sprinkle sugar crystals on each cookie.

Bake for 10ish minutes. Do not over-bake these cookies. I pull them out of the oven while they are slightly under-baked. Use a cookie spatula to wiggle them from their spots, but leave them on the cookie sheet for a minute or two before moving them to a cooling rack.

Lastly, eat and enjoy!


  1. I'll have to try these. They look good. I just need to get me a heart-shaped cookie cutter! :)

  2. Dear Cara and Mel,
    I would like to inform you that we included your recipe "CSweetheart Sugar Cookies" for our Top-5 Valentine's Day Recipes of the year 2013 on Helen's Cooking.
    I truly hope you don't mind and we invite you to review the post where we wrote about your dish:
    Thank you for the great recipe and I would be happy to have you over as a "Blogger of the week" some day when you are available.
    We usually give the "Blogger of the week" 4 questions. then the blogger gives us the recipe and the picture of it and his/her picture. (optional)
    You can put a video if you like, so let me know if you are interested and I will provide you with more detailed information.
    Thank you for a great recipe of cheesecake, it's so delicious!
    Have a great weekend!
    Helen Koval

    1. I mean sugar cookies:-) Well anyway would love to see you ladies at Helen's Cooking!

    2. Well, thank you so much! We'd love to be a Blogger of the Week! What are the four questions? We can get to work on it soon!



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