
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy BFF Anniversary, Cara!!!

I know this girl. To some people she is a daughter to others she is a mom. To me she is a best friend.

Cara and I have been best friends longer than we haven’t. I started counting the years, but I ran out of fingers and toes. I’d say it’s somewhere around forever. We’ve known each other since kindergarten, but didn’t become close until junior high. 

In high school we were goofballs together. Fun goofballs I assure you. We stayed out too late, dated older boys, pretty much behaved like a lot of teenage girls. I was a little jealous of Cara back then. She was/still is pretty (always had awesome hair), smart and outgoing. I was quiet and felt like a wallflower. I’m sure I wondered why she wanted to hang out with me. 

Even after we graduated and she moved away, we stayed in contact. This was before emails, Facebook and texting. We did something called “talking on the phone”.  I’m so happy to say that even after all these years we still call each other best friends. 

Earlier this year, Cara suggested us having a BFF anniversary. I agreed and we set a date. The date is November 13. Today. We choose 13 because that is what we estimate our ages to be when we started down the BFF path. I’ve taken many paths in my life. Some good. Some bad. This path is definitely one I’d choose over and over. 

Cara is a great person. I couldn’t have made up a better person to be my BFF. She is compassionate and thoughtful. She is an awesome listener with a great sense of humor. She likes to have a good time, but doesn’t get carried away. She gently pushes me when she knows I need it. 

My world is a better place because of you, Cara. I hope we get the chance to grow very old with one another. Our future together is bright. Together we can do great things.

Cara, my dearest, oldest friend… thank you for choosing me to be your bestie!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a puddle.

    I look forward to when we can celebrate our anniversary on some tropical beach together with cute cabana boys at our beck and call. Perhaps we'll be 90 when we can finally afford that but I know we'll have a fantastic time regardless. We always do! Until then, I'm glad we have a special day that even if we are apart, we will think of one another and know how lucky we are to have a real, true friend who is not going anywhere.

    Love you, girl!


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